I've always wondered how strain lineage correlated with the strains I personally prefer. Indica vs Sativa, Kush vs Afghani, Skunk vs Thai. I haven't been able to find much of a lineage chart anywhere online so decided to create one myself. I don't claim that the chart is completely accurate, it is based on what I could interpret from the multitude of often contradictory strain database sites internationally, and I've made some simplifications around phenotype/cultivar/clone/variant pedigree.
Let me know your favourite strains you'd like added! Join me on Discord or Reddit u/imperfikt_illusion to share knowledge or help grow the project
Push F11 to toggle full screen.Use the mouse or controls to zoom in and out Click on a strain to isolate its lineage.A filter to show only the lineage of strains you're interested in is coming as soon as I can get it working.